To the President of International Non-Profit
    Ethics Organization
    Dengova Svetlana Nikolaevna



    I am desirous of becoming a Member of Department of professional ethics in culture International Non-Profit Ethics Organization.

    1. Full name

    2. Postal address

    3. Phone

    4. E-Mail

    5. I have read and accept Regulations on INPEO membership fees

    6. I have read and accept Charter of INPEO

    Annex to application No. 1.



    1. Do you agree that it is necessary to be guided by the real meaning of laws, to avoid the application of various interpretations that are not in line with the spirit of legislative acts, and not to use formal procedures to achieve goals that are not compatible with professional ethics?

    2. Do you agree that it is necessary to refuse to take actions aimed at increasing social tension in society?

    3. Do you agree that it is unacceptable to have an unlawful influence on decisions of judicial, law enforcement or other official bodies to achieve your professional goals?

    4. Do you agree that it is necessary to respect your competitors, not to resort to illegal forms of struggle, to use only the correct methods consistent with professional ethics?

    5. Do you agree that it is necessary to refrain from unlawful discrimination in your professional activities, including discrimination on the basis of age, race, gender orientation, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality and disability?

    6. A financial employee is objective - does not allow bias, conflict of interest, or inappropriate influence of others to affect professional or business judgment.

    7. The financial employee observes professional behavior - comply with relevant laws and regulations and avoids any actions that discredit the profession.

    8. The financial officer acts openly and honestly in all professional and business relationships.

    9. The financial employee constantly maintains knowledge and skills at a level that ensures the provision of qualified services to customers and employers.

    10. The financial officer acts in good faith in accordance with applicable professional standards in the provision of professional services.

    11. A financial employee must be demanding of himself, strive for self-improvement.

    12. A financial employee shall not accept for storage funds and other assets of a client, except as permitted by law.

    13. The financial officer shall take reasonable measures to ensure that persons working under his supervision in a professional capacity have proper training and proper management.

    14. In cases where appropriate, the Financial Officer informs customers, audit organizations or other users of professional services of the limitations inherent in these services.

    15. A financial employee must have developed communication skills, excellent organizational skills.

    16. A financial employee must be resistant to stressful situations, emotional balance.

    17. A financial officer should be wise of criticism.

    18. In assessing the significance of the threat, the Financial Officer must take into account how

    19. Additional information