To the President of International Non-Profit
    Ethics Organization
    Dengova Svetlana Nikolaevna



    I am desirous of becoming a Member of Department of professional ethics in culture International Non-Profit Ethics Organization.

    1. Full name

    2. Postal address

    3. Phone

    4. E-Mail

    5. I have read and accept Regulations on INPEO membership fees

    6. I have read and accept Charter of INPEO

    Annex to application No. 1.



    1. The journalist observes the laws of his country, but as regards the fulfillment of professional duty, he recognizes the jurisdiction of his colleagues only, rejecting any attempts of pressure and interference from the government or anyone else.

    2. Does a journalist disseminate and comment only on the information of which he is convinced of the reliability and whose source he is well aware of?

    3. The journalist makes a clear distinction in his communications between the facts that he talks about and what constitutes opinions, versions or assumptions, while at the same time he is not required to be neutral in his professional activities.

    4. In the performance of his professional duties, a journalist should not resort to illegal and unworthy methods of obtaining information.

    5. The journalist considers as serious professional crimes malicious misrepresentation of facts, slander, receipt of payment for any circumstances

    6. spreading false or hiding true information; a journalist should not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration or royalties from third parties for the publication of materials and opinions of any nature.

    7. A journalist who has published false or distorted material is obliged to correct his mistake using the same printing and (or) audiovisual means that

    8. were applied when publishing material. If necessary, apologize through your press authority.

    9. The journalist preserves professional secrecy regarding the source of information obtained in confidence.

    10. The journalist must respect the request of the persons interviewed by him not to officially disclose their statements.

    11. Carrying out his professional duties, the journalist counteracts extremism and restriction of civil rights on any grounds, including signs of gender, race, language, religion, political or other views, as well as social

    12. and national origin.

    13. A journalist respects the honor and dignity of people who become objects of his professional attention.

    14. A journalist respects the honor and dignity of people who become objects of his professional attention.

    15. A journalist does not adhere to the principle that any person is innocent until proven otherwise by a court.

    16. A journalist cannot use confidential information that may be possessed by his profession in the personal interests or interests of those close to him.

    17. The journalist respects and upholds the professional rights of his colleagues, complies with the laws of fair competition.

    18. A journalist respects and makes respect for copyrights arising from any creative activity.

    19. Additional information