To the President of International Non-Profit Ethics Organization Dengova Svetlana Nikolaevna
I am desirous of becoming a Member of Department of professional ethics in culture International Non-Profit Ethics Organization.
Full name
Postal address
I have read and accept INPEO policies regarding the processing of personal data
I have read and accept Regulations on INPEO membership fees
I have read and accept Charter of INPEO
Annex to application No. 1.
Do you agree to refuse to take actions aimed at increasing social tension in society? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree that the psychologist organizes his work so that neither its process nor its results harm the health and social situation of the client and related persons? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree to respect your competitors, not to resort to illegal forms of struggle, to use only the correct methods consistent with professional ethics? AgreeDisagree
Does the client have the right to consult a psychologist or work with him without the presence of third parties? AgreeDisagree
Is a video or audio recording of counseling or treatment acceptable if the client agrees to this? AgreeDisagree
Should participation in psychological experiments and research be voluntary? AgreeDisagree
Should the psychologist recognize the right of the client to maintain maximum autonomy and self-determination, including the common right to enter into professional relations with the psychologist and terminate them? AgreeDisagree
Can any person become a client in case of his undoubted legal capacity by age, state of health, mental development, physical independence? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree that the psychologist should not impede the client’s desire to involve another psychologist for consultation, in the case when there are no legally obstacles to this? AgreeDisagree
Should a psychologist be demanding of himself, strive for self-improvement, constantly improve his skills? AgreeDisagree
Should a psychologist have a sense of proportion and self-control? AgreeDisagree
Does the psychologist observe all kinds of norms of the culture of speech, does not allow the use of curses, rude and offensive phrases? AgreeDisagree
The psychologist can apply techniques that are adequate to the objectives of the study, age, gender, education, the condition of the client, the conditions of the experiment. AgreeDisagree
The psychologist should not carry out his professional activities in the case when his abilities or judgments are under adverse influence. AgreeDisagree
The psychologist must remember his professional and scientific obligations to his clients, to the professional community and society as a whole. AgreeDisagree
The psychologist should not enter into any personal relationship with his clients. AgreeDisagree
The psychologist is obliged to respect his colleagues and should not objectively criticize their professional actions. AgreeDisagree
A psychologist should not, by his actions, contribute to crowding out a colleague from his sphere of activity or depriving him of his work. AgreeDisagree
If the psychologist believes that his colleague is acting unprofessionally, he must indicate this to him confidentially. AgreeDisagree
Additional information