To the President of International Non-Profit Ethics Organization Dengova Svetlana Nikolaevna
I am desirous of becoming a Member of Department of professional ethics in culture International Non-Profit Ethics Organization.
Full name
Postal address
I have read and accept INPEO policies regarding the processing of personal data
I have read and accept Regulations on INPEO membership fees
I have read and accept Charter of INPEO
Annex to application No. 1.
Do you agree that it is not permissible to intervene in the personal relationships of parents and the child? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree not to impose your views on the child? AgreeDisagree
Do you tailor your teaching methods to the style of parenting in a particular family? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree that it is necessary to harmonize your relations with parents and the child, avoiding the situation when the parents allow something and the teacher forbids? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree to build relationships with your child and parents, based on mutual respect, exactingness for yourself, to maintain objectivity and impartiality? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree to pay special attention to creating a comfortable and safe environment for your child, as well as monitoring his health? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree to be an example for a child in your professional and universal behavior? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree that it is necessary to know how to prevent, prevent and resolve conflicts, as well as have the skills to use them in practice? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree that it is necessary to build warm friendly relations with the ward from the first minutes of your acquaintance? AgreeDisagree
You do not have the right to transfer your responsibility to parents and the child? AgreeDisagree
You must be demanding of yourself, strive for self-improvement. AgreeDisagree
You must not lose your sense of proportion and composure. AgreeDisagree
You must comply with all types of cultural norms of speech, do not allow the use of swearing, rude and offensive phrases. AgreeDisagree
You must use your personal care and hygiene products (soap, brush, comb, toothpaste, towel, handkerchief, etc.), appliances and utensils for eating (spoon, fork, knife, plate), as well as slippers and spare socks. AgreeDisagree
You must have a high level of professionalism. AgreeDisagree
You must have developed communication skills, excellent organizational skills. AgreeDisagree
You must be resistant to stressful situations, emotional balance. AgreeDisagree
You should be wise of criticism. AgreeDisagree
You should avoid “slippery” and “dubious” topics in your conversations with your child. AgreeDisagree
Additional information