To the President of International Non-Profit
    Ethics Organization
    Dengova Svetlana Nikolaevna



    I am desirous of becoming a Member of Department of professional ethics in culture International Non-Profit Ethics Organization.

    1. Full name

    2. Postal address

    3. Phone

    4. E-Mail

    5. I have read and accept Regulations on INPEO membership fees

    6. I have read and accept Charter of INPEO

    Annex to application No. 1.



    1. Do you agree that it is necessary to conduct your activities based on the principles of decency and fairness, honesty in relations with your partners and competitors?

    2. Do you agree that it is necessary to be guided by the real meaning of laws, to avoid applying different interpretations that are not in line with the spirit of legislative acts, and not to use formal procedures to achieve goals that are not compatible with corporate ethics?

    3. Do you agree that it is unacceptable to illegally influence decisions of judicial, law enforcement or other official bodies to achieve your professional goals?

    4. Do you agree to treat your competitors with respect, not to resort to illegal forms of struggle, to use only the correct methods consistent with professional ethics?

    5. Do you agree to refrain from unlawful discrimination in your professional activities, including discrimination on the basis of age, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality and disability?

    6. Do you agree that a public servant must abide by professional ethics?

    7. Do you agree to refuse to take actions aimed at increasing social tension in society?

    8. Do you agree that the knowledge and observance by a civil servant of the provisions of a professional code of ethics is one of the criteria for assessing the quality of his professional activity and official conduct?

    9. Do you agree that a public servant is called upon to comply with the restrictions and prohibitions established by federal laws?

    10. Do you agree that a public servant exists and acts for a person, and not a person for a public servant?

    11. Do you agree that the employee bears not only legal, but also moral responsibility for the decisions made?

    12. Do you agree that any injustice committed by an official causes moral damage to the authority of the government?

    13. Do you agree that the official is obliged to show loyalty to the state, the system, the political majority in power, to all branches of government, to state institutions, to society, to the population?

    14. Do you agree that the manifestation of political and ideological addictions, orientation toward political groups in the civil service system are inappropriate and harmful?

    15. Do you agree that a civil servant is called upon not to give preference to any professional or social groups and organizations, to be independent from the influence of individual citizens, professional or social groups and organizations?

    16. Do you agree that corruption and the bureaucracy of the authorities threaten democratic values and destroy people's faith in the state?

    17. Do you agree that only democratization and openness of power, optimization of the apparatus, expansion of the social base of the cadre corps of the public service, its separation from business and property can deprive the bureaucracy of a favorable environment?

    18. Do you agree that a civil servant is not called to show tolerance and respect for the customs and traditions of other states, take into account the cultural and other characteristics of various ethnic, social groups and faiths, and promote inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony?

    19. Do you agree that a public servant is called to refrain from making public statements, judgments and assessments regarding the activities of a state body or local government, its leader, if this is not part of the official duties of a public servant?

    20. Additional information