To the President of International Non-Profit
    Ethics Organization
    Dengova Svetlana Nikolaevna



    I am desirous of becoming a Member of Department of professional ethics in culture International Non-Profit Ethics Organization.

    1. Full name

    2. Postal address

    3. Phone

    4. E-Mail

    5. I have read and accept Regulations on INPEO membership fees

    6. I have read and accept Charter of INPEO

    Annex to application No. 1.



    1. The lawyer is obliged to honestly, reasonably, in good faith, qualified, principled and timely fulfill his duties, actively protect the rights, freedoms and interests of the client by all means not prohibited by law, guided by the Constitution of his country.

    2. A lawyer is obliged to respect the rights, honor and dignity of persons who have applied to him for the provision of legal services, clients, colleagues and other persons, to adhere to the manner of behavior and clothing style appropriate to business communication.

    3. A lawyer must constantly improve his professional level.

    4. A lawyer does not have the right to act contrary to the legitimate interests of the client, to provide him with legal assistance, guided by considerations of his own benefit, immoral interests or being under the influence of pressure from outside.

    5. The lawyer does not have the right to take a position on the case that is opposite to that of the client and act against his will.

    6. The lawyer does not have the right to accept orders for the provision of legal services in an amount known to be larger than the lawyer is able to fulfill.

    7. A lawyer does not have the right to impose his assistance on persons and attract them as clients by using personal contacts with judicial and law enforcement officials, promising a successful resolution of the case and other unworthy methods.

    8. The lawyer is not entitled to admit in the course of the proceedings statements that detract from the honor and dignity of other participants in the proceedings, even if they are tactless.

    9. A lawyer is not entitled to give a person who has applied for legal assistance or a client with a promise of a positive result of the execution of the order.

    10. A lawyer should not conclude a contract for the provision of legal services if its performance will impede the execution of another contract previously concluded. The lawyer should not allow familiar relations with the client.

    11. When executing the contract, the lawyer proceeds from the presumption of the authenticity of the documents and information submitted by the client and does not conduct any additional verification.

    12. A lawyer does not have the right to be an adviser or representative of several parties in one case, whose interests contradict each other, and can only contribute to the reconciliation of the parties.

    13. A lawyer should not use expressions that detract from the honor, dignity or business reputation of another lawyer.

    14. A lawyer should not use in conversations with persons who applied for legal assistance and with principals expressions defaming another lawyer, as well as criticism of the correctness of the actions and consultations of a lawyer who previously provided legal services to these persons.

    15. A lawyer should not discuss with applicants for legal assistance and with principals the validity of the fee charged by other lawyers.

    16. Relations between lawyers should not affect the protection of the interests of the parties involved in the case. The lawyer is not entitled to compromise the interests of the client either in the name of comradely or in the name of any other relationship.

    17. A lawyer has the right to share remuneration with persons involved in the provision of legal services.

    18. Additional information