To the President of International Non-Profit
    Ethics Organization
    Dengova Svetlana Nikolaevna



    I am desirous of becoming a Member of Department of professional ethics in culture International Non-Profit Ethics Organization.

    1. Full name

    2. Postal address

    3. Phone

    4. E-Mail

    5. I have read and accept Regulations on INPEO membership fees

    6. I have read and accept Charter of INPEO

    Annex to application No. 1.



    1. IT specialist acts strictly in the public interest.

    2. An IT specialist acts in accordance with the interests of the client and the employer, if they do not contradict the law and the interests of society.

    3. An IT professional must ensure that the quality of their products and their modifications is the highest possible professional standards.

    4. An IT professional maintains the integrity and independence of his professional evaluations.

    5. The IT professional adheres to ethical approaches to the management of software development and support and promotes these approaches.

    6. An IT specialist must enhance the prestige and reputation of his profession in the public interest.

    7. An IT professional should be fair to his colleagues, help them and support them.

    8. An IT professional must continuously learn the skills of his profession and contribute to promoting an ethical approach to his work.

    9. An IT specialist must ensure the adequacy and attainability of goals and their focus for all projects on which he is working or intends to work.

    10. The IT professional should identify, identify and take action in relation to the problems associated with the project he is working on, related to ethics, economics, culture, the rule of law and the environment.

    11. The IT specialist must ensure that his education, training and experience are sufficient for all projects on which he works or intends to work.

    12. The IT professional must ensure that all the projects that he is working on or intends to work on use the proper techniques.

    13. An IT specialist should work following the most appropriate professional standards and departing from them only in cases where it is justified for ethical or technical reasons.

    14. IT specialist guarantees not to violate the legislation on the protection of intellectual property and recognized copyright standards for software and databases.

    15. IT specialist guarantees not to violate the secrets of message transmission, not to practice the opening of information systems and data transmission networks.

    16. The IT specialist guarantees not to use the names and abbreviations of other firms, companies and organizations without their consent.

    17. IT specialist guarantees not to profit from the use of a trademark or symbol belonging to another company or products.

    18. An IT specialist guarantees the preservation of confidential customer information, never and under any circumstances not upload personal data and photos of customers to the network.

    19. Additional information