To the President of International Non-Profit Ethics Organization Dengova Svetlana Nikolaevna
I am desirous of becoming a Member of Department of professional ethics in culture International Non-Profit Ethics Organization.
Full name
Postal address
I have read and accept INPEO policies regarding the processing of personal data
I have read and accept Regulations on INPEO membership fees
I have read and accept Charter of INPEO
Annex to application No. 1.
Do you agree to refuse to take actions aimed at increasing social tension in society? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree that the coach should not conduct political and ideological campaigning? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree to build your relations with students on the basis of mutual respect, exactingness for yourself and students, to maintain objectivity and impartiality? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree not to impose your views on students? AgreeDisagree
Are you ready to set an example for students in your professional and universal behavior? AgreeDisagree
Do you know how to prevent, prevent and resolve conflicts and the skills to use them in practice? AgreeDisagree
Do you agree that the trainer-teacher should not criticize anyone in the presence of third parties, start a conversation directly with criticism, analyze personal qualities, and not the actions of the student? AgreeDisagree
Is a trainer-teacher entitled to shift his responsibility to colleagues and students? AgreeDisagree
Should a trainer-teacher be demanding of himself, strive for self-improvement, constantly improve his skills? AgreeDisagree
Should a trainer have a sense of proportion and self-control? AgreeDisagree
Does the trainer observe all kinds of norms of the culture of speech, does not allow the use of curses, rude and offensive phrases? AgreeDisagree
Should a trainer / teacher have developed communication skills, excellent organizational skills? AgreeDisagree
The trainer-teacher should not discuss with students the professional and personal qualities, actions and deeds of their colleagues and other students. AgreeDisagree
The trainer-teacher has a high level of professionalism. AgreeDisagree
The trainer-teacher should be resistant to stressful situations, emotional balance. AgreeDisagree
A trainer should be critical of criticism. AgreeDisagree
The trainer-teacher is responsible for the quality and results of the pedagogical work entrusted to him – the education of the younger generation. AgreeDisagree
The trainer-teacher is responsible for the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual development of students, athletes left under his supervision. AgreeDisagree
Additional information