To the President of International Non-Profit Ethics Organization Dengova Svetlana Nikolaevna
I am desirous of becoming a Member of Department of professional ethics in culture International Non-Profit Ethics Organization.
Full name
Postal address
I have read and accept INPEO policies regarding the processing of personal data
I have read and accept Regulations on INPEO membership fees
I have read and accept Charter of INPEO
Annex to application No. 1.
An employee in the service and trade sector maintains high moral standards of his behavior, excluding any tricks, misleading anyone, dishonest actions, clearly distinguishing between statements and actions made by him as a private person and as a representative of the profession. AgreeDisagree
An employee in the service and trade sector should make every effort to become and remain an expert expert in his professional practice and in the performance of his professional duties. AgreeDisagree
An employee in the service sector and service trade should bear personal responsibility for the quality of work that he individually conducts, appoints or performs. AgreeDisagree
An employee in the service and trade sector does not succumb to influences and pressures encountered in the course of his professional activity, impartially fulfills his professional duties. AgreeDisagree
An employee in the service and trade sector is not entitled to use his professional relations for personal purposes. AgreeDisagree
Continuous improvement of special knowledge and skills, raising their cultural level is the first professional duty of a service and trade employee. AgreeDisagree
An employee in the service and trade sectors knows how to control himself, shows patience and patience. AgreeDisagree
A service and sales employee should not have sex with clients under any circumstances. AgreeDisagree
An employee in the service and sales sector should inform customers about the risk, rights, opportunities, obligations. AgreeDisagree
An employee in the service and sales sector should follow the advice and advice of colleagues and mentors if they, in his opinion, serve the interests of the case. AgreeDisagree
An employee in the service and trade sector must complete work with the client and professional relations with him when such work and relations are not necessary and no longer serve the needs and interests of this person or family. AgreeDisagree
In the event that any other person is formally assigned to act in defense of the client, the service and trade worker must deal with this person solely in the interests of the client. AgreeDisagree
An employee in the service and trade sector should not allow himself to be involved in any actions that defile or reduce the civil or legal rights of the client, even if this is done at the request of the client. AgreeDisagree
An employee in the service and trade sector must ensure an active subjective position of the client himself, and not allow the dignity of the client’s personality to be degraded by the forms of services provided to him. AgreeDisagree
An employee in the service and trade sector must obtain the consent of customers before printing, taking photos or videos, or allowing a third-party authority to observe his work. AgreeDisagree
An employee in the service and sales sector should treat colleagues with respect, courtesy, fairness, trust, and respect for delicacy and fairness. AgreeDisagree
An employee in the service and sales sector who is replacing a colleague must act in the interests of the reputation of the one he is substituting. AgreeDisagree
A service and trade employee should not use the conflict between a colleague and a manager in their own interests and to strengthen their position. AgreeDisagree
An employee of the service and trade sector should not assume professional responsibility for the client of another colleague without appropriate coordination with this colleague. AgreeDisagree
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