Code of social ethics

Development and publication of the code of social ethics


Start date


Finish date


Project description

Moral and ethical norms are the regulators of relations between people in society, coordinating personal interests with public ones. Morality as a form of social consciousness has an important function of harmonizing society, ensuring stability and integration of the social system, and creating a sense of psychological comfort in the interaction of people.

Any active human activity requires a moral component that evaluates, controls, leads to humane goals, directs to ethical ideals of good, justice, nobility, honor and conscience. The state of moral and ethical norms is a reflection of the development of society at a certain stage of historical development.

Ethics is the inner basis of each person, like the edges of a glass: if there are no edges, then it is impossible to fill the bottom alone.

When morality disappears in society, a person who is not restrained by “edges” often violates the law as there are no internal prohibitions.

The code of social ethics is a set of General principles of social ethics and basic rules of conduct in society, the implementation of which is the key to harmonious relations. The project involves not only the development of the code itself, but also an educational and methodological complex for educational institutions, as well as the initiation of voting on an international online platform for petitions – CHANGE.ORG.

The project includes the following stages:

1. Development of the Code by international experts in the Humanities and the public. Publication and public approval in English and Russian.

2. Development of educational and methodological complexes for classes on the topic “international code of civil ethics” in higher educational institutions, General education institutions and secondary vocational education institutions. Specialists with relevant work experience and education are involved in the development.

3. Publishing of initiative on the international online platform for petitions – CHANGE.ORG to introduce educational and methodological complexes into the educational process in educational institutions.
In order to attract attention to voting, it is necessary to inform and promote voting pages in social networks, search engines and mass media.

In order to attract attention to the voting, advertising and promotion of the voting page in social networks, search engines and mass media.

By attracting a wide audience to vote, one of the main goals of the project is achieved – informing the public about ethical standards. The possibility of personal participation in the voting provides a sense of belonging to the project of everyone who cast their vote and contributes to the soft (democratic) integration of ethical standards in society.

Project social significance

Modern realities are an echo of the crisis of humanistic values in the World. Behavior in society is now based on negativity, denying the values of other people and ignoring universal values. Because of the lack of value-oriented criteria, it has become difficult to make individual decisions about your actions, because there is no clear distinction between what is good and what is bad.

The blurring of norms and duality in today’s mass-consumption society is the result of a lack of ethical instinct. As a result of unresolved ethical issues, aggression appears in society (as an example, gross insults that were heard live on the Georgian TV channel from the host Georgy gabuniya to the Russian leadership); the desire to punish and teach a lesson to everyone around (remember the riots that were staged by Russian fans in the UK at Euro 2016) and various forms of rejection and criticism of opinions that do not coincide with the personal paradigm of thinking, types of society with a different social philosophy (rejection of migrants, people with non-traditional orientation, Western culture or Eastern philosophy).

Mass culture and the media promote rudeness, cruelty, violence and obscene behavior. New norms are being imposed in society, which are the starting point for the formation of moral principles, especially for young people.

The absence of a common sense of the boundaries of ethical behavior leads to their pathological distortion. Insults and disrespect have become a crooked norm in society. Growing irritation and intolerance in society, insults and rudeness in social networks, in consequence are real fights and injuries. Migrants do not observe, do not take into account or do not know the standards of conduct of the host country. Ethics violations incidents are numerous.


1. To raise public awareness about the ethics and norms of ethical behavior of the citizens.

2. Develop the code of social ethics

INPEO is in need of charitable assistance. We invite sponsors to provide information, financial and active support.